In winter in Japan, it’s common to see people gathered around a table, enjoying a hot pot filled with fish, vegetables, mushrooms, and more. If you’re not familiar with this tradition, we highly recommend giving it a try this winter! You can add whatever ingredients you like to the pot – it’s entirely up to you.
Cooking together and chatting about what to add with your partner or family is a wonderful way to strengthen relationships. Sharing a single pot creates a sense of connection, warming both your body and the bonds you share with those around you.
May your table always be filled with laughter and joy!
美味しい食べ物とお酒—最高の組み合わせですよね? 美味しい食事を楽しんでいるとき、ぴったりの飲み物を合わせることが欠かせません。ビールやワイン、そして様々なお酒が選べますが、迷ったときには冬にぴったりな日本酒をぜひおすすめします。
この冬、料理と日本酒のお互いの相乗効果を楽しんでみませんか? 今、さまざまな種類の酒アイテムを揃えています! 楽しさ満点のアイテムをチェックしてみてくださいね。
Sake item
Delicious food with alcohol. That is the best collaboration, isn’t it? The approach toward booze is unavoidable, if you have delectable food. It is good to have Beer, Wine and wide variety of alcohol. But Japanese sake is the best recommendation in winter, we guess. The taste of sake that immediately fills in your whole mouth is exceptional. Anyway, we, Japanese, especially use sake bots and sake cups, when drinking it. Why not having Japanese experience this winter. If you feel super fun, that is great!
冬に特に楽しみなのは、あったかお鍋。もしお鍋パーティを開く機会があれば、小さなボウルが欠かせません。お好きなたれを入れて具材をつけたり、シェアする楽しみも広がります。そこで、当店の「komonシリーズ」「ブラッシュブルーシリーズ」「Pottery fieldシリーズ」の小さなボウルをご紹介します。どれもスタイリッシュで、お鍋の夜をさらに特別にしてくれるアイテムです。ぜひ、いくつか選んで、素敵な集まりをより一層華やかにしてみてください。
Small bowl
It’s Hot Pot Night! The table is filled with delicious food, and everyone is the star of the evening. What a fabulous scene it is! The entertainment begins, and it’s clear: if you could enjoy every meal, every day, you can't wait for gathering at the table." One meal that is especially exciting in winter is Japanese hot pot. If you have the chance to have a hot pot party, small bowls are a must—they’re perfect for sharing and for dipping ingredients into flavorful sauces. We’d like to introduce our variety of small bowls from the Komon Series, Brush Blue Series, and Pottery Field Series. They’re not only stylish but also super useful for hot pot nights. Why not pick a few to make your gathering even more special?